Monday, November 24, 2008

Mobile Spa Equipment For Sale


request submitted November 17, 2008:

"To the President of the Municipal Council
Arch Alfonso Manigrasso

E pc The Board of Auditors
City Grottaglie

Subject: Initiative

popular view of the art. 49 (paragraphs 1-2 and 3) of the Statute of the City Hall in Grottaglie, the undersigned citizens and the undersigned organizations demand that the City Council cancel the Council Resolution serial number 648 of December 21, 2007 with as subject: "Building completion restoration southeast wing of the Bishop's Castle - Approval of working plan" with specific reference to the refurbishment of the Grand Atrium or Courtyard and, simultaneously, are also void determinations operations after its approval (s Race 'expectations and contract work).

This request is founded on the following reasons:

A) The City has been kept in the dark the further development of the restoration of the Curtis, to whom he had already taken a negative opinion during 'approval of the last budget second term Vinci, through its representatives in the Municipal Council, the highest expression Assize town;

B) the area of \u200b\u200bthe courtyard of the Bishop's Castle on which you want to intervene is not to any yard of any house, but is made almost entirely from the original plan of campaign of Gravina di San Giorgio which belongs to ancient times well before the construction of the castle, which also dates from the second half of 1300. The planned floor, approximately two-thirds of Curtis, is too invasive Well it is a history of such broad scope. Total Assets Town is a good of all must be preserved for future generations and all operations are carried out in the least intrusive way possible;

C) The yard in question lies also in the natural caves and underground habitats in addition to tanks for rainwater harvesting, the number and size of which is still unknown but it is not all been explored and described. In a survey conducted by the Caving Club Cryptae Alia and merged into a useful mimeographed publication (Sannicola, Marangelli, De Marco, 2004), we assume the existence of a large cistern located in the center of the courtyard, at excavation of a square which probably was intended as a support to the true shaft;

D) Castle with its appurtenances , which would need far more urgent and priority interventions (see conditions static of the main tower) is not owned by the town of Grottaglie, but the Curia of Taranto. Use significant resources and money of the community for a good, non-proprietary and in the Curia, as owner, may decide to repossess, at any time, it is least risky and a gamble that the city does not share

Therefore, asks the President City Council to bring to the discussion as required in the manner and within the time prescribed in Article exhaustive. 49 of the Municipal Statute.

Grottaglie, November 14, 2008


My Camera Doesnt Work On Chat Roulette

Seat "Work Plan" of 27.10.2008 - Speech representative of the Movement Pro Historical Center. " 1000

Mr President and Mr. components of the Office

through this document - which right now we ask for a formal allegation to the minutes of today's meeting - we want to mark a clear break with a way to administer public that we do not like and with whom we do not want be confused.
We wonder and ask you, in fact, because we have convened here today, even as a matter of urgency, to discuss the restoration project of the Bishop's Castle, where, as we have already learned in the session of March 13 on the same object, it has already been finally approved by the governing body, has obtained the opinion of the Superintendent and, in fact, plenty has already passed the evaluation stage and is likely to be already implemented (by the way, Mr. councilor, is it true that the work had already begun or is going to be every other day?).
is' yes true that the opinion of the Office of the Plan is not binding. But - how to teach the theoretical administrative law and, before that, the virtuous practice of good government - "not binding" does not mean "useless", "superfluous" means, rather, that the decision-making body, not only is required to take, but also that where it intends to depart, is required to give appropriate reasons.
seems to us, however, that we have been called here only so you can say, after the fact, that it was a project shared with the community, civil society, one that is so convenient when you want to evoke good impression. It 'clear, however, that we do not pay this, we can not pay, that is, to be The patch to a project that was born and raised in all the municipal offices and that they only came out ready-made.
We want, in other words, that if we are asked an opinion of it, albeit very modest and do not agree with, remain a trace. We want not to do what has already happened before, or that the meetings of this office does not even draw up the minutes and that, when it - on our formal request - were drafted, they will not be given in the note of our views . Just go to read, for example, the minutes of the meeting of 29 February, to observe that the whole discussion around the one intervention project brought to the attention of the Office before the date of the administrative executive - that, namely, the rearrangement of Piazza Regina Margherita - has been synthesized in a row and a half and no reference to content.
So, in conclusion, to give meaning to our presence here today, we just ask you some questions on which you would have - and we believe you should experience - the duty to answer, obviously not to us but to the entire community.
1. It 'should invest money of the municipality, and then we the citizens, on an asset which is owned by the Episcopal Curia?
2. Contract which binds the municipality to the Curia, how long and what are the main contents?
3. If you really wanted to put his hand to the Castle, would not have been more appropriate to consolidate the many parties unsafe?
4. Finally, in the aesthetic merit - so to speak - of the intervention, but is it really necessary - as shown by the technical report of the project - that the court should have a floor similar to that of other castles and should not retain, however, that his peculiarities, with the only run of minimal intervention, and much less expensive, are necessary to remove architectural barriers?
await. If you allow us, not confident.