first city council last night of the week ....( escorted by the police) ...
Mayor taking a cue from the statement of the new Secretary of the League of Cogliate:
"[...].. I would urge the representatives of all political forces in the country to tone down the rhetoric, on all fronts ... "
has performed in a hysterical public reprimand
Beyond cazziatoni to cogliatesi the important things emerged yesterday:
a.) ABOLISHED UNANIMOUSLY ' (with the votes of the PDL) ; THE CONVENTION OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL .....( what was needed because he had to reorganize the town who needed it .....);
b.) APPROVED BUDGET 2009 (with the votes of the PDL) with INCREASE DE LLE TAXES TARSU, vouchers, GYM, ETC ... (Check the Home Page Program Electoral ALLOY-PDL);
c.) APPROVED (with the votes of the PDL) REGULATION OF 'communal information (now PRAVDA) where the manager is the mayor, the director is ... (Put your name as equals), the drafting committee are Councillors (who are volunteers) and where the issues they decide to comment on the junta!
So the People of Freedom last night also showed up waving his banner over Cogliate!
does not matter if freedom and supervised by a senator of jokes that maneuver as a mayor as arrogant and insecure by the police ... ...
I wonder how is it that in a town in Lombardy, and especially the third of the PDL PDL gagged and can be so indifferent to whatever crap is dished up for citizenship .... Mah
However, a detailed report on the City Council already made the fields on the blog of Per-Sandalmazi then the time you save.
See you Thursday.
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