Lanes ...
Who gave for missing should think again!
On 18 April, the pro Historical Center, as part of multidisciplinary information campaign launched Movement in the South, presented at the Bishop's Castle in Grottaglie, the initiative: We use the lanes.
During the evening, which saw the enthusiastic participation of many citizens of our city, the lawyer. Rosanna Bruno went over the issues addressed in recent years by our movement and brought several times and with modest results, the attention of our administrators. It is reiterated, with the help of an effective video produced by the motion graphics section, the priorities of the old neighborhood: traffic regulations, creation of new parking facilities, safety, hygiene and so on. in short, living in a single word.
The initiative presented, tracing the words of the engineer. Salvatore Scatigna that illustrated the idea "was born from the need to restore dignity to our center, putting a stop to the wild and uncontrolled invasion of cars."
The traffic problem, what emerged during the debate with the participation of those present, is a major problem experienced by the citizens and especially on which you can work immediately without any major investments. It would be enough to enforce the signals or even to allow fighters to walk the old town, making it available only to residents.
"We take the streets" so he wants to be the challenge, the stimulus, the opening words of a new path of civil society, where the use of public space is a shared pleasure and not a pretext to foment strife between neighbors.
We want to restore the dignity of roads, streets, our "n'chioscje" We want to return to the open spaces of conviviality and exchange and no cars to be won with arrogance.
To do this you must start a process of awareness. We thought that a method to understand the importance of our idea is to put the planters in ceramic to ban parking and / or transit through alleys and streets of the old town, at the express request of the inhabitants.
You just have to understand for the people the first event and the sense that it aims to be pursued.
First, there is the discourse of security should not forget that a car parked in awkward places, constitutes a danger to the community.
To this purpose, that alone would be enough to justify the event, alongside a kind of social order, and then urban.
Yes, because the task of modern urban planning is to study the city and how they work to design the development to make it "liveable" urban space.
With this in mind so we want to give back to residents in the CS use and care of public space, to recreate the ancient relationship between the built environment (houses, shops, etc..) thick and dark and narrow, open spaces, where light and air were not lacking.
Adopt-fledged alleys, take care, keep them and protect them from abandonment, neglect and occupation "illegal" vehicles.
restoration of dignity to the sites to restore dignity to people who live there, proposing or propose better, since it is a model adopted by our ancestors, a new way of relating to outer space.
This certainly will make not only more pleasant life for the inhabitants of the old town, but of all those who wish to live simply for the time of a walk.
This in a nutshell, the idea that we launched and, to tell the truth, has been welcomed not only by the people present, but also the Councillor for Public Works Ottavio Orlando during a speech, expressing its willingness to support and regulate, in concert with the Office of the Plan, the proposed action. In the days following
Eng. Salvatore Scatigna was contacted by Mr. Eduardo De Sortis the FAI (Italian Environment Fund) which, in addition to having liked the idea, expressed its willingness to support the pro Movement in Old Town and the South Movement, the organization event.
As a follow up to what is shown us the April 18 Movement pro CS forwarded on 29 April 2010, a formal request to the President of the Plan, Councillor for Planning Mr Frank Donatelli, in order to identify a licensing procedure for the single 'Adoption of the alleys.
Pending an early reply ... Best regards.
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