by the fact that today ...
novel by a young old
The Golden Book of the pilgrims in a procession the villa in Arcore is enriched by a new, strange visitor: Matteo Renzi, the young mayor of Florence who wanted to scrap the old leadership of the Democratic Party. Young do I say to be, just not enough to be born. In a single day, while traveling from slot to slot Arcore-Florence-Florence (680 km), has managed to age 50 years. And, when it began to outsource the whys and wherefores of the visit has taken another 50. It is now hundred years old. "Only in a country sick - he says - you may think there is something underneath." Yeah. In a country with a healthy mayor of the Democratic Party goes to kiss the slipper to public enemy number one of his party (or its voters). In addition to lunch. Moreover in his private residence. Moreover, while it turns out that this place - aside from eating, Previti, Dell'Utri, Mora, Faith - has hosted dozens of young ladies engaged in the bunga-bunga. In addition to hidden (the news was leaked by B. entourage and only a very clever was naïve to think that the news would remain top secret, seeing the proverbial discretion of the landlord). It is not known whether there was time for a fleeting visit to the mausoleum of Arcore, but soon the weekly magazine Chi Alfonso Signorini publish the book of the meeting (this was, Renzi, that pot of petunias on the bureau of the Knight? Here, it was Signorini in one of its most successful disguises). Caught with the mouse, even with the nano in your mouth, young and old is the Ganassa said that would do it again "for the sake of Florence." Why - he explains - "I am interested to take home a special law to Florence from 15 million. B. I had promised. " The other day at the table promised it to him. Now also will sign a contract with the Florentines, in the presence of the Vespa with lots of cherry wood desk. Then he will say that, because of Bin Laden and 11 September, it is not doing anything. On Facebook, the poor voters of the Democratic Party that - desperate - hoping for Renzi, take it to bad words. He assures that "I I'm having fun like crazy to read the comments. " I do not see themselves defending even the suspicious from the newspaper, once free and even from Capezzone, one that protects you when you sue them regardless because it means that you are dead wrong (the famous Capezzone Steaming). A glimmer of doubt, indeed, touches him, "I hit some poisoned reactions of ordinary people: they give a sense of atmosphere that reigns in the country." But it is a snap. Instead of wondering why those reactions and the climate (maybe you indignation for a prime minister who destroyed Italy for 16 years making his own business and that opposition is not opposed), the Renzi says, "We live by three Shines continuous in a derby, it will take years to clear their minds. " And who knows what it will take to clear his name from what Gaber "the Berlusconi in me" judging of the worst "Berlusconi in itself": that is, insensitivity to conflicts of interest at the institutional etiquette, to now obsolete and old values \u200b\u200bsuch as dignity, sobriety, reputation, opportunity and a sense of limits. Even the scrap Bersani, unfortunately after saying "go to Arcore on foot just to have a reform of the labor market," noted in a flash of clarity that a mayor meets with the Prime Minister at the Palazzo Chigi, not Bungabunga villa. Renzi responds with a patch that is worse than the hole: "If B. he invites me to Arcore that I say: we meet at the junction of Monza? ". Then further worsens the situation: "They beat me because I talk to B. and want to make a government or an alliance with Fini ". Which suggests that the alleged enemy of the "ideologies" of Cain's business destraccia prefers to the more presentable (or less unpresentable) Fini. So those who wanted to scrap the old politburo piddino got a formidable weapon Marple party to scrap him. The young old man is also a clever fool.
novel by a young old
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