Saturday, 19.03 to 14.30 will be held at the Teatro Manzoni in Milan the national demonstration of the right hand. Members and supporters come from all over Italy and will be present throughout the party leadership led by Sen. Francesco Storace.
The theme of the event is COUNTRY HOUSE WORK.
We look forward to spend some 'time with us and discuss our proposed policy.
not miss.
For info contact Paul at 3458868624 CALZOLARI.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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Bariano Basketball: Foschetti Mattia, Mattia Mombrini, Nicholas Santinelli, Paul Asperti, Stephen Malcolm, Matthew Marquis, Gianluca Breno, Daniel Imeri, Andrea Corna, Claudio Storti
Coach: Carlo Signorelli, Massimo Codevilla
Partial: 22-6, 16-5, 18-14, 17-12
Bariano Basketball: Foschetti Mattia, Mattia Mombrini, Nicholas Santinelli, Paul Asperti, Stephen Malcolm, Matthew Marquis, Gianluca Breno, Daniel Imeri, Andrea Corna, Claudio Storti
Coach: Carlo Signorelli, Massimo Codevilla
Partial: 22-6, 16-5, 18-14, 17-12
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Bariano Basketball: Nicola Ferrari, Diego Cigoli, Michael Bonfanti, Emmanuel Bonacina, Marco Casirati, Alessandro Macchi, Matthew Salini, Luca Grassi, Simone Natali
Coach: Nicholas Pazzi, Matteo Martinelli
Partial: 8-16, 12-13, 6-27, 11-27

Excellent game barianesi team for children with 5 to 9 players in double figures and 11 assists to confirm the choral performance.
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Bariano Basketball: Dominic Catrambone, Cigoli Diego, Philip Lanzini, Kristijan Saric, Mattia Carcaiso, Ares Valenzano, Michael Gipponi, Simone Natali Luca Moroni
Coach: Fabio Bonfanti Partial
: 16-13, 6-18, 9-14, 23-13

This has resulted in research, unfortunately, especially for the''large''of the team, what is more comfortable (the teammate who-wrongly-is thought more capable and comfortable), rather than what is most convenient action.
is then repeated mistakes en route to his companion marked illusion resolve the action by weaving a basket, rather than another.
Good Valenzano's continued growth.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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mourning tomorrow Martinengo, the game is moved to Tuesday, March 5, 2011.
Bariano Basketball joins the grief of the family Busetti which sends its sincere condolences.
mourning tomorrow Martinengo, the game is moved to Tuesday, March 5, 2011.
Bariano Basketball joins the grief of the family Busetti which sends its sincere condolences.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
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Bariano Basketball: Gianangelo Vecchi, Nicholas Santinelli, Paul Asperti, Stephen Malcolm, Alexander Weddle, Gianluca Breno, Daniel Imeri, Andrea Corna, Marco Monticelli, Claudio Storti
Coach: Carlo Signorelli, Massimo Codevilla
Partial: 6-14, 11-13, 12-13, 14-12
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Bariano Basketball: Foschetti Mattia, Simone Merisio, Nicholas Santinelli, Paul Asperti, Stephen Malcolm, Alexander Weddle, Mattia Marchesi, Gianluca Breno, Andrea Corna, Claudio Storti
Coach: Carlo Signorelli, Massimo Codevilla
Partial: 12-5, 16-11, 9-14, 12-7
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Bariano Basketball: Matt Foschetti , Simone Merisio, Nicholas Santinelli, Paul Asperti, Stefano Malchiodi, Alexander Weddle, Mattia Marchesi, Gianluca Breno, Marco Monticelli, Claudio Storti
Coach: Carlo Signorelli, Massimo Codevilla
Partial: 16-10, 10-8, 13-11, 15-10
Bariano Basketball: Matt Foschetti , Simone Merisio, Nicholas Santinelli, Paul Asperti, Stefano Malchiodi, Alexander Weddle, Mattia Marchesi, Gianluca Breno, Marco Monticelli, Claudio Storti
Coach: Carlo Signorelli, Massimo Codevilla
Partial: 16-10, 10-8, 13-11, 15-10
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Bariano Basketball: Mariano Lodato, Nicola Ferrari, Diego Cigoli, Michael Bonfanti, Dan Lapusan, Emanuele Bonacina, Marco Casirati, Alessandro Macchi, Pandini Lorenzo, Luca Grassi, Simone
Coach: Alex Volpi, Nicola Pazzi, Matteo Martinelli
Partial: 8-15, 21-11, 13-21, 8-11

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
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Marco Travaglio
Eventually, the dust deposited in the media-political Truman Show, are the bare facts, which Cristina Di Censo describes the gip with a disarming simplicity. One night in May a national call to the police station to make a stop for a minor theft Moroccan undocumented or permanent home, claiming to be the nephew of President Mubarak of Egypt. If it was a passing, sent him to take the mandatory medical treatment. Being the President of the Council, they keep the laughter and obey him instead to rely on the girl child and am a busty Regional Councillor who has fallen on the spot in the company of a Brazilian prostitute, in whose hands the counselor then download the minor. The two immigrants are then surprised to fight furiously and reproaching their profession, the oldest in the world. Surveys, interrogations and wiretaps to track down those who organize around the ring: jump out the names of the Regional Councillor, a news director and impresario of a star from the dubious (he, not the star). The end user however is the President of the Council, which pays in money, favors, jewelry, apartments for free loan, which is why he phoned the police station. Searches emerge from the money, handed out a bit 'from the Prime Minister a little' from his accountant, but can not be searched because he lives in a branch of the Presidency of the Council. You need the permission of the House. The judges are asking. The Chamber sends the binder to the sender without saying yes or no, arguing that the Court has jurisdiction because the prime ministers called the police to prevent a diplomatic crisis with Egypt. I live in amazement Egypt, where no one was aware of the fact that the head of the Italian government says around that Mubarak has a granddaughter prostitute and that usually provide services in his home (the head of the Italian government). Also because, in this case, Italy would risk not only the diplomatic incident, but a missile attack. At the Court of Milan take less than three months to take stock: to pay a minor for sex is a crime (child prostitution), led the police to commit an act of a friend is unfair to crime (extortion). And, as in cases such rapid and obvious the Code provides for the immediate rite, prosecutors are asking. The investigating magistrate Di Censo knows what will happen if the grant: it will be abused, spied on, discredited dossier, dragged to the consultation. Still keeps their nerve and decide according to conscience, specific ac sine metu, only compass the Penal Code and the Constitution. After 5 days canonical opens B. to trial immediately. Believes that the allegations are proven and deserve the judicial inquiry. The Court will determine whether the accused's guilt is proven B. Incidentally, the investigating judge also explains because the case is the stuff of ordinary court: just read the Constitution to know that crime is when a member of ministerial government abuse of its functions. But the Prime Minister has no powers on the police headquarters (not the Minister or the Chief of Police): ergo, calling the Milan, abuse of functions, but the acting head of government. Ordinary crimes, court. All simple, basic, self-evident. We'll get a student on the first day of Law. Not, then, legions of servants, politicians and opinion. On 6 April, if you would, B. appear in court. If you do not want, too bad: it will process the same. After twenty years screams, noises, custom laws, censorship, purges, appeals, rejections and hundreds of millions spent on lawyers, judges, witnesses and Members of Parliament and to transform the entire country into a gigantic defense team, he finds himself alone, helpless, stark naked in front of the nightmare that follows him all along: Justice.
great Luke and Paul in San Remo!
... and the fact today (February 16, 2011) ...
Silvio Pelvic
... and the fact today (February 16, 2011) ...
Silvio Pelvic
Marco Travaglio
Eventually, the dust deposited in the media-political Truman Show, are the bare facts, which Cristina Di Censo describes the gip with a disarming simplicity. One night in May a national call to the police station to make a stop for a minor theft Moroccan undocumented or permanent home, claiming to be the nephew of President Mubarak of Egypt. If it was a passing, sent him to take the mandatory medical treatment. Being the President of the Council, they keep the laughter and obey him instead to rely on the girl child and am a busty Regional Councillor who has fallen on the spot in the company of a Brazilian prostitute, in whose hands the counselor then download the minor. The two immigrants are then surprised to fight furiously and reproaching their profession, the oldest in the world. Surveys, interrogations and wiretaps to track down those who organize around the ring: jump out the names of the Regional Councillor, a news director and impresario of a star from the dubious (he, not the star). The end user however is the President of the Council, which pays in money, favors, jewelry, apartments for free loan, which is why he phoned the police station. Searches emerge from the money, handed out a bit 'from the Prime Minister a little' from his accountant, but can not be searched because he lives in a branch of the Presidency of the Council. You need the permission of the House. The judges are asking. The Chamber sends the binder to the sender without saying yes or no, arguing that the Court has jurisdiction because the prime ministers called the police to prevent a diplomatic crisis with Egypt. I live in amazement Egypt, where no one was aware of the fact that the head of the Italian government says around that Mubarak has a granddaughter prostitute and that usually provide services in his home (the head of the Italian government). Also because, in this case, Italy would risk not only the diplomatic incident, but a missile attack. At the Court of Milan take less than three months to take stock: to pay a minor for sex is a crime (child prostitution), led the police to commit an act of a friend is unfair to crime (extortion). And, as in cases such rapid and obvious the Code provides for the immediate rite, prosecutors are asking. The investigating magistrate Di Censo knows what will happen if the grant: it will be abused, spied on, discredited dossier, dragged to the consultation. Still keeps their nerve and decide according to conscience, specific ac sine metu, only compass the Penal Code and the Constitution. After 5 days canonical opens B. to trial immediately. Believes that the allegations are proven and deserve the judicial inquiry. The Court will determine whether the accused's guilt is proven B. Incidentally, the investigating judge also explains because the case is the stuff of ordinary court: just read the Constitution to know that crime is when a member of ministerial government abuse of its functions. But the Prime Minister has no powers on the police headquarters (not the Minister or the Chief of Police): ergo, calling the Milan, abuse of functions, but the acting head of government. Ordinary crimes, court. All simple, basic, self-evident. We'll get a student on the first day of Law. Not, then, legions of servants, politicians and opinion. On 6 April, if you would, B. appear in court. If you do not want, too bad: it will process the same. After twenty years screams, noises, custom laws, censorship, purges, appeals, rejections and hundreds of millions spent on lawyers, judges, witnesses and Members of Parliament and to transform the entire country into a gigantic defense team, he finds himself alone, helpless, stark naked in front of the nightmare that follows him all along: Justice.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
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"Mo 'thank him as well because it did not make us go to war with Mubarak"
Saturday, February 5, 2011
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notice to those who publish photos of the "dirty old man" or prompter
Marco Travaglio
They say B. is a great communicator. Bale: It is only the master of the media. Just see how it handles sex scandals that chase him for three years, since the transplant pump him back at least the illusion of returning to the salad days. He could have said, excluding crimes and challenging the prosecutor to prove it: "In the evening after a day spent with Bondi, Cicchitto, Capezzone and Bonaiuti, stuff you would not wish on my worst enemy, I like to stretch your hands on my friends with a consenting group of dirty old, then I'll bring some to bed and, if they are prostitutes, the pay. " The Vatican would protest a couple of minutes, then would return to nest in exchange for a few million more to private schools. Bishop Fisichella was asked to "contextualize the bungabunga", as is slander. And he would be rid of all the blackmail of that horde of silicon velociraptor now go around the newsroom to offer photos and video with Papi desnudo. Instead, vowing to unified networks "ever paid a woman in my life" and "never attended minors" has become news in the public interest any detail of his private life. Includes photos. Because the question is whether the head of the government is telling the truth or mind. If he admitted to being a "dirty old man" as he wrote his friend Belpietro, would have turned into an invasion of privacy (ie crime) the publication of any photos or videos of bungabunga & related (except for those that prove the crime of sex for money with minors). He did not and so those pictures made public in the name of the right, indeed the record, as it seems proven wrong. These things we should know how much better the Privacy: body usually sleepy, life suddenly takes over as he hears the words "photo" and "Berlusconi". In fact, yesterday we sent a fax with the title: "The provision of personal data on the burden. Silvio Berlusconi. " Schedule: "Please find attached the report sent by the lawyer. Ghedini and Longo, in the name and on behalf of Mr. Berlusconi, in order to obtain the information deemed relevant to an assessment of the reported case, with particular reference to Article 'An auction for the photos'. Please give feedback ...". In practice, the guarantor of the premier lawyers of the postman, who in a two-page letter to warn us that B. "Awarded to these defenders office to proceed in each location to its protection for the facts indicated in the preamble," that the news photos of the auction, because - brace yourselves - "photo President of the unclothed intimate with girls in attitudes, where they actually exist, must be considered definitely false, the result of photomontages and / or manipulation. " If B. This suggests that, when stripped to do his stuff, he always Ghedini Longo and under the bed or wardrobe check. The trouble is that then the two, the more beautiful when abbioccano. Ghedini swore that the D'Addario had never entered a Palazzo Grazioli and that the records of his night with B. were false, then it was discovered that it was all true, but he had dozed off. The Hon Attorney warned that "anyone who shows or disseminating news or pictures pertaining improperly procured to privacy and are held in places of residence "commits an offense. They do not know maybe, the Guarantor-postman informs them, that privacy is less in front of the record on public figures. In any case, we express the lawyers from the locker room felt more solidarity. Just as the Guarantor, who will soon have to deal with another dramatic statement: that the League's State of the CSM Matthew Brigandì subjected to a "body search" and even "stripped" by the police. A very humiliating and inhumane practice. Steps to risk your skin for 1,500 euro per month, but no naked Brigandì see: this, for a policeman, is too much.
from the fact of today.
Ghedini under the bed
Ghedini under the bed
Marco Travaglio
They say B. is a great communicator. Bale: It is only the master of the media. Just see how it handles sex scandals that chase him for three years, since the transplant pump him back at least the illusion of returning to the salad days. He could have said, excluding crimes and challenging the prosecutor to prove it: "In the evening after a day spent with Bondi, Cicchitto, Capezzone and Bonaiuti, stuff you would not wish on my worst enemy, I like to stretch your hands on my friends with a consenting group of dirty old, then I'll bring some to bed and, if they are prostitutes, the pay. " The Vatican would protest a couple of minutes, then would return to nest in exchange for a few million more to private schools. Bishop Fisichella was asked to "contextualize the bungabunga", as is slander. And he would be rid of all the blackmail of that horde of silicon velociraptor now go around the newsroom to offer photos and video with Papi desnudo. Instead, vowing to unified networks "ever paid a woman in my life" and "never attended minors" has become news in the public interest any detail of his private life. Includes photos. Because the question is whether the head of the government is telling the truth or mind. If he admitted to being a "dirty old man" as he wrote his friend Belpietro, would have turned into an invasion of privacy (ie crime) the publication of any photos or videos of bungabunga & related (except for those that prove the crime of sex for money with minors). He did not and so those pictures made public in the name of the right, indeed the record, as it seems proven wrong. These things we should know how much better the Privacy: body usually sleepy, life suddenly takes over as he hears the words "photo" and "Berlusconi". In fact, yesterday we sent a fax with the title: "The provision of personal data on the burden. Silvio Berlusconi. " Schedule: "Please find attached the report sent by the lawyer. Ghedini and Longo, in the name and on behalf of Mr. Berlusconi, in order to obtain the information deemed relevant to an assessment of the reported case, with particular reference to Article 'An auction for the photos'. Please give feedback ...". In practice, the guarantor of the premier lawyers of the postman, who in a two-page letter to warn us that B. "Awarded to these defenders office to proceed in each location to its protection for the facts indicated in the preamble," that the news photos of the auction, because - brace yourselves - "photo President of the unclothed intimate with girls in attitudes, where they actually exist, must be considered definitely false, the result of photomontages and / or manipulation. " If B. This suggests that, when stripped to do his stuff, he always Ghedini Longo and under the bed or wardrobe check. The trouble is that then the two, the more beautiful when abbioccano. Ghedini swore that the D'Addario had never entered a Palazzo Grazioli and that the records of his night with B. were false, then it was discovered that it was all true, but he had dozed off. The Hon Attorney warned that "anyone who shows or disseminating news or pictures pertaining improperly procured to privacy and are held in places of residence "commits an offense. They do not know maybe, the Guarantor-postman informs them, that privacy is less in front of the record on public figures. In any case, we express the lawyers from the locker room felt more solidarity. Just as the Guarantor, who will soon have to deal with another dramatic statement: that the League's State of the CSM Matthew Brigandì subjected to a "body search" and even "stripped" by the police. A very humiliating and inhumane practice. Steps to risk your skin for 1,500 euro per month, but no naked Brigandì see: this, for a policeman, is too much.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
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Interviewer? The
Marco Travaglio
Tg1 wrote last night another piece of great television. This time he licked Minzolingua not own but has dropped at Palazzo Grazioli one of his prancing horses: Daniel Renz. Who was he? I remember older colleagues who came to fame with Tg1 friend of the driver of Fanfani, then Democrat, then a journalist. Then that great genius of Johnny Raiotta thought it well to promote editor Economy. The arrival of Scodinzolini still not caught him by surprise: he became a Renzullingua Minzolini iron, signing all the documents of solidarity to direttorissimo unfairly criticized for its rocky independence. Yesterday he finally shot his time: "Come on, Renzulli, go to the barber, get a good dress, shiny shoes, sucking a mint, tell friends and relatives in Palazzo Grazioli and presented by him do not worry about the questions you the Bonaiuti and that still only serve to make it a little 'less Pallos the old notes, which the last video message was put to flight even Bondi. careful not to miss: on occasion happen once in a lifetime. The young man, is the acknowledged honestly, did not disappoint expectations. Despite the salivation zero, the eye ball and sweating Vajont, he stood up for his part the Chairman of the Council, often putting him at the corner of insightful questions. The first: "The President, in the last two years, Italy has held up the bank accounts of stability, as recognized in Europe and the IMF: it is time to return to growth, how?". Hit and sunk by the virulence of the interviewer, B. shaken, to recover with difficulty: and explained that the blame for zero growth and 41 of the Constitution, curiously in force even during the years of economic boom, but now it will be promptly removed. Our hero, however, is not one to let themselves be dragged by the replies of the opponent, and is already ready with the second uppercut: "She has taken the field in '94 promising the liberal revolution: to give a jolt to our economy has come time to go through? ". Here, Cain, former wooden legs because of sleepless nights, he collapsed on the ropes with a look that begs for mercy. And, in confusion, supercazzole mumbles like "house plan ... South .. tax advantages ... federalism. " Fearless, Renzulli it ends up ko: "You made a proposal for cooperation to the opposition, which said that it is not credible. Behind this refusal, she said, hovering the party of capital, the old recipe that always points to the shortcut of the increased tax burden? ". The nano boiled, the carpet, raves: "The main problem is the debt that we inherited from the governments of the past ... multiplied by 8 times from 1980 to '92 from the old political forces, with the Communists in the foreground, in the years of consociativismo. Here ends the interview, but only for viewers. Renzulli is unleashed and it remains there, reminding B. some uncomfortable truths. From 1980 to '92 we followed the Prime Minister Cossiga, Forlani, Spadolini, Fanfani, Craxi, Goria De Mita Andreotti Amato: 6 Democrats, 2 Psi, Pri 1, no communist (the Communist Party was in opposition). It is thanks to them, in those 12 years, the public debt went from 60 to 118% of GDP. Consociativismo? The most dramatic increase was recorded in the four years of Craxi (1983-'87: 456 billion to 890 trillion lire). Referred to B. was a friend, donor and voter. And who were Craxi's economic advisers in the years when the debt doubled? Tremonti, Siniscalco, Brunetta and Sacconi. B. promoted them All four ministers. These and other truths Renzullingua reminded the prime minister in the interview queue. Unfortunately, the most beautiful, the cut.
See how the questions are not questions, but suggestions for a speech propaganda.
from the fact of today.
From Minzolingua to Renzullingua
From Minzolingua to Renzullingua
Marco Travaglio
Tg1 wrote last night another piece of great television. This time he licked Minzolingua not own but has dropped at Palazzo Grazioli one of his prancing horses: Daniel Renz. Who was he? I remember older colleagues who came to fame with Tg1 friend of the driver of Fanfani, then Democrat, then a journalist. Then that great genius of Johnny Raiotta thought it well to promote editor Economy. The arrival of Scodinzolini still not caught him by surprise: he became a Renzullingua Minzolini iron, signing all the documents of solidarity to direttorissimo unfairly criticized for its rocky independence. Yesterday he finally shot his time: "Come on, Renzulli, go to the barber, get a good dress, shiny shoes, sucking a mint, tell friends and relatives in Palazzo Grazioli and presented by him do not worry about the questions you the Bonaiuti and that still only serve to make it a little 'less Pallos the old notes, which the last video message was put to flight even Bondi. careful not to miss: on occasion happen once in a lifetime. The young man, is the acknowledged honestly, did not disappoint expectations. Despite the salivation zero, the eye ball and sweating Vajont, he stood up for his part the Chairman of the Council, often putting him at the corner of insightful questions. The first: "The President, in the last two years, Italy has held up the bank accounts of stability, as recognized in Europe and the IMF: it is time to return to growth, how?". Hit and sunk by the virulence of the interviewer, B. shaken, to recover with difficulty: and explained that the blame for zero growth and 41 of the Constitution, curiously in force even during the years of economic boom, but now it will be promptly removed. Our hero, however, is not one to let themselves be dragged by the replies of the opponent, and is already ready with the second uppercut: "She has taken the field in '94 promising the liberal revolution: to give a jolt to our economy has come time to go through? ". Here, Cain, former wooden legs because of sleepless nights, he collapsed on the ropes with a look that begs for mercy. And, in confusion, supercazzole mumbles like "house plan ... South .. tax advantages ... federalism. " Fearless, Renzulli it ends up ko: "You made a proposal for cooperation to the opposition, which said that it is not credible. Behind this refusal, she said, hovering the party of capital, the old recipe that always points to the shortcut of the increased tax burden? ". The nano boiled, the carpet, raves: "The main problem is the debt that we inherited from the governments of the past ... multiplied by 8 times from 1980 to '92 from the old political forces, with the Communists in the foreground, in the years of consociativismo. Here ends the interview, but only for viewers. Renzulli is unleashed and it remains there, reminding B. some uncomfortable truths. From 1980 to '92 we followed the Prime Minister Cossiga, Forlani, Spadolini, Fanfani, Craxi, Goria De Mita Andreotti Amato: 6 Democrats, 2 Psi, Pri 1, no communist (the Communist Party was in opposition). It is thanks to them, in those 12 years, the public debt went from 60 to 118% of GDP. Consociativismo? The most dramatic increase was recorded in the four years of Craxi (1983-'87: 456 billion to 890 trillion lire). Referred to B. was a friend, donor and voter. And who were Craxi's economic advisers in the years when the debt doubled? Tremonti, Siniscalco, Brunetta and Sacconi. B. promoted them All four ministers. These and other truths Renzullingua reminded the prime minister in the interview queue. Unfortunately, the most beautiful, the cut.
See how the questions are not questions, but suggestions for a speech propaganda.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
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Ausmerzen: Science does not necessarily Consciousness
Ausmerzen, the show that Marco Paolini has given the former mental hospital in Milan and Paolo Pini and taken up by La7 'a blow to the heart, stomach, to the memory of which advise everyone not to ignore.
Watch video at the following link. The show lasts more 'than two hours. This is followed by a discussion led by Gad Lerner about the persons present. Paolini does not follow the greatness of greatness in a discussion if we are uncomfortable and difficult, nevertheless there are some interesting ideas for the topicality 'of Italy. Look
Paolini, click below or search the site La7 Ausmerzen the show.
Ausmerzen, the show that Marco Paolini has given the former mental hospital in Milan and Paolo Pini and taken up by La7 'a blow to the heart, stomach, to the memory of which advise everyone not to ignore.
Watch video at the following link. The show lasts more 'than two hours. This is followed by a discussion led by Gad Lerner about the persons present. Paolini does not follow the greatness of greatness in a discussion if we are uncomfortable and difficult, nevertheless there are some interesting ideas for the topicality 'of Italy. Look
Paolini, click below or search the site La7 Ausmerzen the show.
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Address by the Head of State
My letter to the Head of State.
Hon President Napolitano,
I hope my voice will join those of many other people who come to her.
I ask to speak concretely about a situation that affects the dignity and respect for people and their intelligence and above all the dignity of our country.
no longer bear the presence of Berlusconi to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic.
is no longer acceptable to see a constitutional position such as yours, Mr. President, lived with honor and respect, supported by the moral degradation of the person of Mr Berlusconi as prime minister.
do anything the Constitution requires it to do in a situation in which a high position in the State has demonstrated the highest contempt for the institutions.
My letter to the Head of State.
Hon President Napolitano,
I hope my voice will join those of many other people who come to her.
I ask to speak concretely about a situation that affects the dignity and respect for people and their intelligence and above all the dignity of our country.
no longer bear the presence of Berlusconi to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic.
is no longer acceptable to see a constitutional position such as yours, Mr. President, lived with honor and respect, supported by the moral degradation of the person of Mr Berlusconi as prime minister.
do anything the Constitution requires it to do in a situation in which a high position in the State has demonstrated the highest contempt for the institutions.
Friday, January 28, 2011
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Bariano Basketball: Foschetti Mattia, Simone Merisio, Nicholas Santinelli, Paul Asperti, Stephen Malcolm, Alexander Weddle, Gianluca Breno, Daniel Imeri, Marco Monticelli, Claudio Storti
Coach: Carlo Signorelli, Massimo Codevilla
Partial: 22-15, 25-12, 15-16, 16-5
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Brazilian Waxing In Lowell Ma
Bariano Basketball: Mariano Lodato, Nicola Ferrari, Diego Cigoli, Michele Bonfanti, Dan Lapusan, Emanuele Bonacina, Marco Casirati, Matthew Salini, Alessandro Macchi, Pandini Lorenzo, Luca Grassi, William Bettane
Coach: Alex Volpi, Matteo Martinelli
Partial: 14-7, 15-17, 8 - 7, 6-11

Bariano Basketball: Mariano Lodato, Nicola Ferrari, Diego Cigoli, Michele Bonfanti, Dan Lapusan, Emanuele Bonacina, Marco Casirati, Matthew Salini, Alessandro Macchi, Pandini Lorenzo, Luca Grassi, William Bettane
Coach: Alex Volpi, Matteo Martinelli
Partial: 14-7, 15-17, 8 - 7, 6-11

Chunk Of Phlegm With Blood

Bariano Basketball: Paul Asperti Marco Monticelli, Foschetti Mattia, Alessandro Macchi Alessandro Weddle, Michael Bonfanti, Nicholas Santinelli, Claudio Storti, Gianluca Breno, Stephen Malcolm
Coach: Carlo Signorelli, Massimo Codevilla
Partial: 15-12, 70-10, 14-13, 17-16
Draft slipped on good field for the Second Division Paladina Bariano Basketball: perhaps never started a game with huge errors in the above trivial net, without which the game was won by far.
Master Bates At The Bus
Saturday, January 15, 2011
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stable companion I have come to serve
Made From a newspaper article by Don Gallo
Beatrice Borromeo
How can the Cardinal Ruini in Bagnasco, Fisichella up by the Holy Father no one was outraged by the behavior of Silvio Berlusconi? ". Don Andrea Gallo, leader of the Genoese community in San Benedetto del Porto is famous for being hostile to caste Vatican. And the Knight is not never liked. But the day when it bounces to the world the news that the prime minister is under investigation for bribery and aiding and abetting the prostitution of minors, the Genoese priest is much more angry with the Pope than with the premier.
Don Gallo, is still surprising that the Church has nothing to say?
are repelled. A 82 and a half years I feel entitled to say that it is intolerable that there is a stand against these obscenities. Or rather, the church hierarchy continues to support Berlusconi.
Is there a threshold beyond which the Vatican will say "enough is enough really?
No, because the Church does not care nothing for the poor and weak. Lives of privilege, wants to defend them and wants to conquer new ones. Does it seem normal that the Pope will travel to find the mayor of Rome in the Capitol the day after has cleared the junta?
What are the concrete counterparts, for the Church, this goodwill?
Just think about 8 per thousand or contributions to Catholic schools, then as a Catholic not have nothing.
There is also the tax exemption on property of the Church, who do not pay the ICI. Or the political ethics. The Holy Father has returned to speak out against sex education, without understanding that remove the awareness children is what drives them to sell out, take drugs, self-destruct.
That review was made of the young girls who, like Veronica Lario said, "are offered to the dragon?
The problem is that at least a decade young people grow up without an idea of \u200b\u200bthe future, knowing that it will work or help.
Perhaps Ruby was pleased to put one foot in the world of Arcore.
Some girls understand that selling is a possibility to get what they want, but it is also a process of self-destruction to untold suffering. In my community work for years with prostitutes are ruined, empty inside.
not develop a shield to prevent the suffering of their work?
No. I think that Ruby and other see Berlusconi as a gateway, exploiting its vices. But they are ashamed, are disgusted by those who have before. And they also suck on their own.
If the stories of these girls are true, the prime minister looking for this kind of woman.
This is because it is an amoral. A man who acts out in the Constitution, justice, rule of law. And from civilization. He says he works hard and you remove some whim, but in her life I only see decay and sadness.
His colleagues see it differently: they also continue to give him communion.
single claim that is, knowing full well that is twice divorced. Monsignor Rino Fisichella said we have to contextualize even its blasphemy!
What effect this on a personal indulgence to the faithful?
course, moving away from the Church, as well as politics. The hierarchies do not understand that this inconsistency will disappear the Church, religion and death.
The general public that the Church must rediscover the ability to get angry and react. Because we are all responsible.
Made From a newspaper article by Don Gallo
"The Pope disappoints me even more than Knight"
Beatrice Borromeo
Don Gallo, is still surprising that the Church has nothing to say?
are repelled. A 82 and a half years I feel entitled to say that it is intolerable that there is a stand against these obscenities. Or rather, the church hierarchy continues to support Berlusconi.
Is there a threshold beyond which the Vatican will say "enough is enough really?
No, because the Church does not care nothing for the poor and weak. Lives of privilege, wants to defend them and wants to conquer new ones. Does it seem normal that the Pope will travel to find the mayor of Rome in the Capitol the day after has cleared the junta?
What are the concrete counterparts, for the Church, this goodwill?
Just think about 8 per thousand or contributions to Catholic schools, then as a Catholic not have nothing.
There is also the tax exemption on property of the Church, who do not pay the ICI. Or the political ethics. The Holy Father has returned to speak out against sex education, without understanding that remove the awareness children is what drives them to sell out, take drugs, self-destruct.
That review was made of the young girls who, like Veronica Lario said, "are offered to the dragon?
The problem is that at least a decade young people grow up without an idea of \u200b\u200bthe future, knowing that it will work or help.
Perhaps Ruby was pleased to put one foot in the world of Arcore.
Some girls understand that selling is a possibility to get what they want, but it is also a process of self-destruction to untold suffering. In my community work for years with prostitutes are ruined, empty inside.
not develop a shield to prevent the suffering of their work?
No. I think that Ruby and other see Berlusconi as a gateway, exploiting its vices. But they are ashamed, are disgusted by those who have before. And they also suck on their own.
If the stories of these girls are true, the prime minister looking for this kind of woman.
This is because it is an amoral. A man who acts out in the Constitution, justice, rule of law. And from civilization. He says he works hard and you remove some whim, but in her life I only see decay and sadness.
His colleagues see it differently: they also continue to give him communion.
single claim that is, knowing full well that is twice divorced. Monsignor Rino Fisichella said we have to contextualize even its blasphemy!
What effect this on a personal indulgence to the faithful?
course, moving away from the Church, as well as politics. The hierarchies do not understand that this inconsistency will disappear the Church, religion and death.
The general public that the Church must rediscover the ability to get angry and react. Because we are all responsible.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Oovoo Says My Camera Is In Use
Seasonal sales ... We adopt the PDL
Once again, our administrators incur an apparent contradiction: on one hand the State Council to propose action to defend the Master Plan of 2003, revoked following the decision of the TAR No 2632 / 2008 and re-approved in the same region from December 28 last, and the other to announce a January 14, 2011 City Council whose agenda includes the approval of the fifth development plan is incompatible with the PRG
Who were not informed of the affair, which briefly mention GR n.1629 with Resolution of the Puglia Region, 4.11.2003 finally approved the PRG of the City of Grottaglie. After a while, and as a consequence direct an action brought by some concerned citizens, the TAR sez.III Puglia in Bari, with the 2632 ruling in June 2008, provided that the cancellation of the planning instrument.
's cancellation of the plan in force since 2003 "revived" the old PRG 1978. The exhumation cited
opened the way for the formal presentation by the individuals concerned, as many development plan, the first incompatible according to the forecasts of the General Plan canceled by the TAR.
In recent days, the Puglia Region reconfirmed in exactly the same words, even if the measure has not been approved yet publish it in the Official Bulletin Regional the PRG in 2003 annulled by the TAR in 2008.
Now, on the basis of the foregoing, the Association of South Movement and the movement "Pro center, perpetually outraged at the constant and unceasing activity of rape and humiliation of our territory by the Municipality of Grottaglie invite local councilors to suspend any final determination regarding the adoption and approval of such development plan.

Once again, our administrators incur an apparent contradiction: on one hand the State Council to propose action to defend the Master Plan of 2003, revoked following the decision of the TAR No 2632 / 2008 and re-approved in the same region from December 28 last, and the other to announce a January 14, 2011 City Council whose agenda includes the approval of the fifth development plan is incompatible with the PRG
Who were not informed of the affair, which briefly mention GR n.1629 with Resolution of the Puglia Region, 4.11.2003 finally approved the PRG of the City of Grottaglie. After a while, and as a consequence direct an action brought by some concerned citizens, the TAR sez.III Puglia in Bari, with the 2632 ruling in June 2008, provided that the cancellation of the planning instrument.
's cancellation of the plan in force since 2003 "revived" the old PRG 1978. The exhumation cited
opened the way for the formal presentation by the individuals concerned, as many development plan, the first incompatible according to the forecasts of the General Plan canceled by the TAR.
In recent days, the Puglia Region reconfirmed in exactly the same words, even if the measure has not been approved yet publish it in the Official Bulletin Regional the PRG in 2003 annulled by the TAR in 2008.
Now, on the basis of the foregoing, the Association of South Movement and the movement "Pro center, perpetually outraged at the constant and unceasing activity of rape and humiliation of our territory by the Municipality of Grottaglie invite local councilors to suspend any final determination regarding the adoption and approval of such development plan.
Friday, January 7, 2011
How You Know If Your Steep Tech Is Fake
Bariano Basketball: Paul Asperti, Andrea Corna Marco Monticelli, Alexander Weddle, Claudio Storti, Gianluca Breno, Mattia Marchesi, Daniele Imeri, Stephen Malcolm, Matthew Foschetti
Coach: Carlo Signorelli, Massimo Codevilla
Partial: 12-18, 10 -13, 10-12, 10-19
Bariano Basketball: Paul Asperti, Andrea Corna Marco Monticelli, Alexander Weddle, Claudio Storti, Gianluca Breno, Mattia Marchesi, Daniele Imeri, Stephen Malcolm, Matthew Foschetti
Coach: Carlo Signorelli, Massimo Codevilla
Partial: 12-18, 10 -13, 10-12, 10-19

Thursday, January 6, 2011
Body Style Change Gmc
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