Once again, our administrators incur an apparent contradiction: on one hand the State Council to propose action to defend the Master Plan of 2003, revoked following the decision of the TAR No 2632 / 2008 and re-approved in the same region from December 28 last, and the other to announce a January 14, 2011 City Council whose agenda includes the approval of the fifth development plan is incompatible with the PRG
Who were not informed of the affair, which briefly mention GR n.1629 with Resolution of the Puglia Region, 4.11.2003 finally approved the PRG of the City of Grottaglie. After a while, and as a consequence direct an action brought by some concerned citizens, the TAR sez.III Puglia in Bari, with the 2632 ruling in June 2008, provided that the cancellation of the planning instrument.
's cancellation of the plan in force since 2003 "revived" the old PRG 1978. The exhumation cited
opened the way for the formal presentation by the individuals concerned, as many development plan, the first incompatible according to the forecasts of the General Plan canceled by the TAR.
In recent days, the Puglia Region reconfirmed in exactly the same words, even if the measure has not been approved yet publish it in the Official Bulletin Regional the PRG in 2003 annulled by the TAR in 2008.
Now, on the basis of the foregoing, the Association of South Movement and the movement "Pro center, perpetually outraged at the constant and unceasing activity of rape and humiliation of our territory by the Municipality of Grottaglie invite local councilors to suspend any final determination regarding the adoption and approval of such development plan.
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