Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How Long Do You Thaw Sausage


E 'now result served notice of the ex-mayor for the acts of vandalism perpetrated in the cemetery the night before elections.

No one believes in a "conspiracy" to damage her, but a notice of a conviction is not so now nobody can say too much about it.
At this point, however, citizens may present two scenarios:
- The City Council is indicted;
- the city council is acquitted.
In the first case, I think the dramatic opening of a crisis since there is a resolution of the council that provides the establishment of the municipality as plaintiff against the indicted (no matter what he thinks the league ..).
In the second case, the Council is continuing his public activity while remaining its undeniable presence in the cemetery the night before the election.
The question is:
In the second case, this latest mess caused by the significant elements of this administration will have an impact on the solidity of the coalition-League and PDL on the credibility of the council or everything will Cogliate as before ...?


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