Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Edu Science Telescope Locking


great Luke and Paul in San Remo!

... and the fact today (February 16, 2011) ...

Silvio Pelvic

Marco Travaglio

Eventually, the dust deposited in the media-political Truman Show, are the bare facts, which Cristina Di Censo describes the gip with a disarming simplicity. One night in May a national call to the police station to make a stop for a minor theft Moroccan undocumented or permanent home, claiming to be the nephew of President Mubarak of Egypt. If it was a passing, sent him to take the mandatory medical treatment. Being the President of the Council, they keep the laughter and obey him instead to rely on the girl child and am a busty Regional Councillor who has fallen on the spot in the company of a Brazilian prostitute, in whose hands the counselor then download the minor. The two immigrants are then surprised to fight furiously and reproaching their profession, the oldest in the world. Surveys, interrogations and wiretaps to track down those who organize around the ring: jump out the names of the Regional Councillor, a news director and impresario of a star from the dubious (he, not the star). The end user however is the President of the Council, which pays in money, favors, jewelry, apartments for free loan, which is why he phoned the police station. Searches emerge from the money, handed out a bit 'from the Prime Minister a little' from his accountant, but can not be searched
because he lives in a branch of the Presidency of the Council. You need the permission of the House. The judges are asking. The Chamber sends the binder to the sender without saying yes or no, arguing that the Court has jurisdiction because the prime ministers called the police to prevent a diplomatic crisis with Egypt. I live in amazement Egypt, where no one was aware of the fact that the head of the Italian government says around that Mubarak has a granddaughter prostitute and that usually provide services in his home (the head of the Italian government). Also because, in this case, Italy would risk not only the diplomatic incident, but a missile attack. At the Court of Milan take less than three months to take stock: to pay a minor for sex is a crime (child prostitution), led the police to commit an act of a friend is unfair to crime (extortion). And, as in cases such rapid and obvious the Code provides for the immediate rite, prosecutors are asking. The investigating magistrate Di Censo knows what will happen if the grant: it will be abused, spied on, discredited dossier, dragged to the consultation. Still keeps their nerve and decide according to conscience, specific ac sine metu, only compass the Penal Code and the Constitution. After 5 days canonical opens B. to trial immediately. Believes that the allegations are proven and deserve the judicial inquiry. The Court will determine whether the accused's guilt is proven B. Incidentally, the investigating judge also explains because the case is the stuff of ordinary court: just read the Constitution to know that crime is when a member of ministerial government abuse of its functions. But the Prime Minister has no powers on the police headquarters (not the Minister or the Chief of Police): ergo, calling the Milan, abuse of functions, but the acting head of government. Ordinary crimes, court. All simple, basic, self-evident. We'll get a student on the first day of Law. Not, then, legions of servants, politicians and opinion. On 6 April, if you would, B. appear in court. If you do not want, too bad: it will process the same. After twenty years screams, noises, custom laws, censorship, purges, appeals, rejections and hundreds of millions spent on lawyers, judges, witnesses and Members of Parliament and to transform the entire country into a gigantic defense team, he finds himself alone, helpless, stark naked in front of the nightmare that follows him all along: Justice.


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